Joaquin Reina Herdz
Energy & Waste S.L. Condorchem Group, Barcelona, Spain
Chemical Engineer, by the University of Oriente. Cuba. Professor at the University of Holguin 1983-1996. Cuba. Ph.D Industrial Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, 1999. Barcelona Spain.. Develops several pioneering projects in the use and application of biogas and waste treatment, including the first biogas upgrading plant of the Spanish government 2003 -2005. He founded the company Energy & Waste. As a result of its R + D + I work and the introduction of several technologies in the market, He has won several awards, among them, at Genera Innovation Room 2012, Techno energy magazine TPN-2012, Best Business Practices 2014 by The College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia.
Abstract : Study of the influence of biogas cleaning on the operational features of the biogas engine