Mukesh Goel
Senior Lecturer
Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Mukesh Goel is working as Senior Lecturer in Sheffield Hallam University, UK. He has serve as Associate and assistant Professor in many colleges of India having 10 years of experience in teaching Chemical Engineering modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in three universities and he is one of the most liked teachers by the students in the faculty. He has completed is Ph D. from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India & University Lyon 1, Lyon, France In 2009. He had done M.Eng from National University of Singapore, Singapore in 2003 and B. E. from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Karnataka, India in Chemical Engineering in the year of 1999. He has published 29 SCOPUS indexed journal papers, 26 conference papers, as well as 4 book chapters. He has written 16 research proposals in the areas of wastewater treatment and water quality studies. He has guided 14 PG students, 6 PhD students and several UG students. He is a regular reviewer for very high impact factor journals, such as Bioresource Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Journal of Env Manag. and other leading international journals. His paper in Water Research (Goel et al., 38(19):4247-61) is one of the highly cited paper on sonochemical engineering (total citations-205).
Research Interest
Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, wastewater treatment and water quality studies