Richard Sayre
Senior Research Scientist
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Richard Sayre ( is currently a Senior Research Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the New Mexico Consortium (NMC). Dr. Sayre’s research interests include; enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis, algal and plant biotechnology, and nutritional biofortification of crop plants, and molecular control of vector borne diseases. Prior to coming to LANL, Dr. Sayre was a faculty member and later Chairman of the Department of Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology at Ohio State University; served as the first Director of the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Institute for Renewable Fuels at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St Louis, and became a Senior Research Scientist at LANL/NMC in 2011. Dr. Sayre has directed several large research consortia including: 1) Director of Phase I of the BioCassava Plus Program funded by the Grand Challenges in Global Health Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 2) Director of the Center for Advanced Biofuel Systems, a Dept. of Energy (DOE) Energy Frontier Research Center focusing on generating advanced biofuels from algae and plants. 3) Scientific Director of the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels, and Bioproducts, the largest DOE-sponsored algal biofuels consortium funded to date; and 4) is currently Director of the US-DOE sponsored PACE (Producing Algae for Energy and Coproducts) targeted algal biomass and bioproducts program.
Research Interest
Plant biotechnology, photosynthesis, plant biochemistry, metabolic engineering, renewable fuels, food security