Markus Brautsch
University of Birmingham, Germany
Title: Duel Fuel Technology in Biomass CHP-Systems
Biography: Markus Brautsch
As a part of the research project “Comparison of CO2 mitigation costs of biomass CHP systems” a MAN common rail Diesel CHP system with 240 kW electrical and 230 kW thermal power was investigated in liquid fuel operation. Based on these initial measurements a dual fuel operation system with liquid and gaseous biogenous fuels was developed.
First, step the electrical efficiency, the thermal efficiency, the power coefficient and the emissions with different liquid biogenous fuels (rapeseed oil, soybean oil, biodiesel and palm oil) were investigated from part load to full load at compression rates of 19:1 and 16:1. The CHP system was driven under 100 % liquid fuel operation.
Second, biomethane was mixed with the combustion air to reduce the amount of liquid fuels to a minimum as “pilot fuel”. Beginning with 0 % (liquid fuel operation) the gas ratio was increased to its individual maximum. Investigations of the combustion behaviour by a cylinder pressure indicator system on each single cylinder attested a crucial influence of the point of the pilot fuel injection and the amount of pilot fuel. Hence, the biomethane ratio could be raised to its highest degree adapted to each different liquid biofuel.
As a result, different combinations of biomethane and biogenous liquid fuels were optimized in a highly efficient common rail Diesel CHP system. Compared to Gas-Otto CHP units, the dual fuel technology shows better electrical and thermal efficiencies as well as CO2 advantages.
Recent Publications:
- Lechner R., O´Connell N., Brautsch M.: Identifikation von Einsatzmöglichkeiten und der Zündstrahltechnologie zur Verbesserung der Anlageneffizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit von BHKW-Anlagen mit experimentieller Überprüfung der Vorteile an einer Pilotanlage unter realen Bedingungen im Praxisbetrieb. Forschungsinitiative ZukunftBau, F 2943.Stuttgart: Fraunhofer-IRB-Verl. 2015
- Grünig G.: Zündstrahlmotoren – Effiziente Verbrennung von Biogas und Schwachgasen in Blockheizkraftwerken; 1. Auflage München; Süddeutscher Verlag onpact GmbH; 2010; ISBN 978-3-86236-008-6
- Bhaskor J. Bora, Ujjwal K. Saha: Optimisation of injection timing and compression ratio of raw biogas powered dual fuel diesel engine; Applied Thermal Engineering 92 (2016), 111-121
- Bhaskor J. Bora, Ujjwal K. Saha: Experimental evaluation of a rice bran biodiesel – biogas run dual fuel diesel engine at varying compression ratios; Renewable Energy 87 (2016), 782-790
- Debabrata Barik, S. Murugan: Experimental investigation on the behavior of a DI diesel engine fueled with raw biogas-diesel dual fuel at different injection timing; Journal of the Energy Institute 89 (2016), 373-388
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